Monday, October 11, 2010

016 - Brevity of Communication

Kent Dockland doesn't get on well with his co-workers at the Serendipity Police Department. Today, as he's trying to finish some incident reports on his computer, he's distracted by his co-workers loudly discussing the comparitive merits of cars, motorcycles, and speedboats.

Peter Bernard, the loudest, meanest cop on the force, spots Kent at his computer. "Hey Kent!" he yells. "What kind of vehicle do YOU like?

"Here's the thing, Peter," says Kent. "This isn't news. You understandably really like cars or motorcycles. But I have to finish this incident report, it's due today, and you and your idiot friends aren't helping."

Peter scowls. "Don't be a loser, Kent. The report can wait five minutes. What's your vehicle of choice?"

Kent stares at Peter, and says, "I just told you."

What is Kent's favourite kind of vehicle?