Thursday, October 7, 2010

014 - Logidyne Hats

Logidyne Labs, a research and development company based in the city of Serendipity, is welcoming its newest round of recruits today. Before they can start work, Logidyne's head researcher Jacki Renquist subjects the three recruits to an unusual test.

Jacki instructs the three recruits to be seated, and then places a hat on the head of each recruit, such that each recruit can see all of the other hats, but none of them can see their own.

"Each hat is either white or blue," says Jacki. "There is at least one blue hat. You may not talk amongst yourselves, or communicate in any way. You may not remove your hat, or otherwise view its colour. None of you may start work until one of you correctly declares the colour of your own hat. If any of you incorrectly guess the colour of your hat, you will all three be fired. You have all been hired on the basis of your perfect command of rational thought, and therefore I am sure you will be able to start work today."

Jacki was correct and the recruits started work shortly thereafter.

How did they solve the test?