Thursday, November 4, 2010

034 - Rational Pirates

Every morning the children of Serendipity thrill to the television adventures of Cap'n Redhook and his crew of perfectly rational sea-dogs as they sail the high seas in their clockwork ship The Razor of Occam.

Redhook's gang have an unusual way of dividing loot. The eldest pirate (in this case, Redhook) gets to propose a method of sharing the loot, and then all pirates (including the eldest) take a vote.  If a majority of pirates vote against the proposed split, the proposer gets thrown to the sharks, and the new eldest pirate proposes a new split, and so on until a split of loot is accepted.

In today's episode - Attack of the Cybersquid - Cap'n Redhook and his gang have looted 100 pieces o' eight from their nemesis, Admiral Goldbelly.  When it comes time to split the loot, what is the largest number of pieces o' eight Redhook can retain for himself?

Additional information:
* There are five pirates in Redhook's crew, including Redhook.
* All five pirates will vote so as to maximise their personal gain.  None are bothered by feeding their crewmembers to the sharks.
* Pieces o' eight can't be divided into fractions - the number of pieces o' eight each pirate gets must be an integer.
* Tied votes are resolved in favour of the proposer.