Monday, November 1, 2010

031 - Crackling

Farmer Joe keeps jars full of pre-prepared pork crackling to serve as entrees at Farmer Joe's BBQ Porkatorium.  One jar contains honey-marinated crackling, one jar contains peppered crackling, and one contains a mixture of both.

Unfortunately, Zephyr Cantrell, a regular customer with an odd sense of humour, has switched the labels on Farmer Joe's crackling jars.  According to Zephyr, each of the three jars now bears an incorrect label.  The three labels are "Honey-Marinated", "Peppered" and "Mixed".

Farmer Joe is keen not to waste any of his beloved pork crackling.  Unfortunately, the only way to tell honey-marinated crackling from peppered crackling is to taste it.

From the jar bearing which label should Farmer Joe taste a piece of crackling in order to correctly re-label all three jars?